11. There's a potential for 99 problems ...

And I ain't got one. That's right I've talked to RS on the phone twice in the last week and it seems that I test negative for all 99 currently known DNA Markers for Breast Cancer! HUZZAH!

Of course the question that keeps flooding my mind, and which I ask when she reports the DNA findings is: DO I have to have CHEMO ?

RS Explains that the genetic testing only tells if there is a likelihood of reoccurance in the left breast. So all the DNA testing tells us whether or not it's the best choice to remove the other breast, or if they will have to perform preventative ovarian surgery. 

Considering I've already made the choice to do a bilateral mastectomy, it doesn't change what I know about my surgery, but I will take this as a win.

In cancer-land, you take all the wins you can get.

Stephanie Czajkowski